Business Exit Strategist

man sitting doing his paperwork
Years of Experience
0 +
person holding their hand out with an illustration in their palm

Over two decades of experience

What is Asirius?

Asirius, founded by a successful entrepreneur with a proven track record of setting up and growing companies, provides personalised and effective support to SME business owners to help them reach their goals. In addition, the company leverages its extensive network, acting in the capacity of a business exit strategist, to support the preparation, sale, funding and acquisition of businesses.

  • Tailored Solutions
  • Direct Support
  • Extensive Network
  • Results-Driven 
Happy Customers
> 0
Average value of deals at a given time
£ 0 m
Number of VCs, CVCs, HNWs in network
0 +
Typical number of SMEs engaged with at any given time

Your Business Exit Strategist

Asirius' Foundations

From its inception in 2019 by founder William Hartley, Asirius’ aim has been to transform companies and drive growth – whether through the provision of knowledge and experience or through investment and acquisition.

With a background in automotive consultancy and business startup William has a proven commercial and strategic mindset with many demonstrable successes – most notably hofer powertrain UK Ltd where he took the business from one to ~100 people before exiting.

William Hartley

Business Exit Strategist - Free Consultation

To further understand your next steps when it comes to a potential business exit, please get in touch for a confidential chat on 07780 605640.

Why engage with a Business Exit Strategist?

Expertise in Valuation and Market Positioning

A business exit strategist brings knowledge and experience in the valuation of businesses as well as in understanding market trends, industry benchmarks and buyer expectations, ensuring your business is priced competitively. William can also work with you to get core elements in place that would enhance the business valuation as well as being able to influence your ability to exit in a timescale of your choosing.

Skills in Negotiation

There are many more complexities to the sale of a business than just the price and a business exit strategist can provide support when it comes to negotiating effectively with potential buyers. Overall, this leads to the securing of better terms and a higher sale price. It is critical to ensure that you understand the intricacies of deal-making, including structuring the sale, navigating due diligence, and addressing any concerns the buyers might have.

Streamlined Sales Process

Selling a business is complex and time-consuming. A business exit strategist can streamline the process by ensuring that the details are covered, the legal and financial advisors are aligned and all necessary documentation is in progress. This allows you to focus on running the business without getting overly bogged down by the sale process.

Access to a Network of Potential Buyers

As a business exit strategist, William has an extensive network of potential buyers, including Corporate Finance teams, VCs, CVCs, strategic buyers, and individual investors. William can leverage these connections to find the right buyer for your business, increasing the likelihood of a successful sale. This broad network can also provide access to buyers who are specifically looking for businesses like yours, potentially resulting in a quicker sale at a more favourable price.

Business Exit Strategist FAQ

There are many questions that come up with regards to engaging with a business exit strategist. Here are a few of the typical ones:

With agents it is a numbers game and they do not have the time or interest to engage closely with companies to structure them for a deal or really understand what they are doing. Not only do I have the time, interest and background to understand your business, I am also driven by your business aspirations and a successful outcome rather than just trying to make a quick buck!

If the business is well structured and ready for sale, I would typically charge a success-based fee. If more time is needed to support the business in preparing for sale, then there would be a charge to cover that work – but each case is different.

To some extent all companies have a need for many of the same elements when it comes to a sale but the vast majority of the businesses I deal with are B2B and with a technical bias (I am an engineer by education after all!).

Although the buyer network is global, my predominant focus is on working with local companies based in the Midlands around the Silverstone, Northampton and Warwick areas.

No problem. As long as you have (or have had) a credible customer base, then you have a business that can be viable and of value. I am also regularly talking to owners who are looking to retire and want their business to carry on delivering to their current customers but haven’t had the first thought about how to leave the business.

people sitting around a desk discussing business

Testimonials & Feedback

See What People Are Saying

“The support, direction and guidance that William has provided, over a number of years and with involvement in a range of departments, has supported  the progression of the Advanced Technologies business with the changing market needs. The vast network that he retains is an invaluable asset to any business and has allowed us to engage with individuals and develop opportunities that we might otherwise have missed.”

Iain Roche

Managing Director, Prodrive Advanced Technologies

“Having known William for the best part of a decade and seen, first hand, the trajectory he took hofer powertrain UK on, we were keen to get his involvement and guidance, as Asirius, as we transitioned and progressed our business forwards.”

Ally McMahon

CSO & Technical Specialist, Randle Engineering Ltd.
hci systems white logo

“The impact of working with Asirius has been significant, with the senior team becoming more confident, collaborative, and effective in their roles. William has played a key role in shaping this business into a more efficient and successful operation so we are even better placed to capitalise on future market opportunities.”

Mike Tickner

Managing Director, HCI Systems Ltd

“Taking the leap from a hobby to being a fully-fledged and accountable legal entity was initially daunting but was a decision made easier after talking to William.  The setup went seamlessly thanks to his support and no doubt the business would not have been setup so quickly without it.  We look forward to sharing a bottle of Sparkling Mead or two with him as we continue to grow!”

Head Bear

Bearly Organised Ltd
r3e logo

“Having access to Williams broad network has allowed us to connect with key partners who have subsequently supported the development and delivery of core elements of our EV platforms.”

Peter Dow

Vice President of Engineering, REE Automotive

“With Williams background being in mechanical transmission design primarily and, more recently in leading hofer powertrain, it was an obvious step for us engage him to support the transitioning of the Hewland business from lower volume motorsport and automotive solutions to being a volume supplier of electric vehicle powertrains. The support he has provided and the guidance given has been invaluable to us over the past years.”

Andy Morley

Managing Director, Hewland Engineering Ltd

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